
Let's not forget to thank the the spirits we meet
the weird sisters, the witches, the ghosts of the 'deceased',
those we do not know and because of that we dare to revive...

Let's not forget to be grateful because there are no bad spirits
They are not bad - only because we visualize them
and mostly because they have come to talk to us
(not like us people - as ridiculous as we learn to be quiet among the others,
and them, in their efforts, desperately trying to understand us more easily
are silent among us)
Don't forget..
... Therefore we also are not bad spirits,
if someone speaks to us
if someone wants to revive us in moments when we think we are finished,
long gone and wilted ..
And the more difficult it becomes to cross your own body - our substance,
because we are empty, easier it gets for the spring to come before our eyes ..
and it comes unexpected, unaccompanied,
just like we think we do, walking the road 'all alone' in our fear that we are going insane
if we get talking to one of those "nonexistent"
Precisely because those of our dreams are the real ones, those who we called alone
without being aware that we can make even one sound
And how nice it is to talk with the roadside stones or witches on the road
or with the roadside houses with black eyes - from the bottom to their roofs, wide opened to the sky
So when I'm 'just' going back or when I'm just going away -
I won't forget to thank to my companions who will be there, who I Will meet
because I know - they won't leave Me alone
and I, for anything, won't overlook...I will surely stop at least for a little talk

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